中国全科医学 ›› 2021, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (18): 2368-2372.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.465

• 专题研究 • 上一篇    



  1. 1.100191北京市,北京大学第三医院临床流行病学研究中心 2.101100北京市通州区妇幼保健院信息资料科
  • 出版日期:2021-06-20 发布日期:2021-06-20

A Brief Analysis of the Common Methodology Problems of Clinical Research in Medical Postgraduate Dissertations 

YANG Jie1,2,SHI Yanyan1,ZENG Lin1,LI Nan1,TAO Liyuan1,ZHANG Hua1,WANG Xiaoxiao1,CHU Hongling1,ZHAO Yiming1,ZHAN Siyan1*   

  1. 1.Research Center of Clinical Epidemiology,Peking University Third Hospital,Beijing 100191,China
    2.Tongzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Beijing,Beijing 101100,China
    *Corresponding author:ZHAN Siyan,Professor;
    YANG Jie and SHI Yanyan are co-first authors
  • Published:2021-06-20 Online:2021-06-20

摘要: 背景 学位论文的质量日益受到重视,全面保证论文质量迫在眉睫。医学研究生学位论文常涉及临床研究的内容,其中临床研究方法学的问题需引起重视。目的 剖析某大学盲审前初审的医学研究生学位论文初稿临床研究方法学论述中存在的常见问题,为规范研究生论文的撰写和自查、提升医学学位论文质量提供参考。方法 北京大学第三医院临床流行病学研究中心于2019—2020年对某校2019届临床医学生内部初审阶段毕业论文的方法学部分进行评审,共包括47篇临床观察性研究。参考STROBE声明清单条目,提取学位论文临床研究方法学关键要素,逐条编码、归类形成文字评阅意见数据库,总结其常见问题并探索解决办法。结果 临床医学研究生学位论文初稿在方法部分常见问题体现在统计方法描述不完整、研究对象代表性不足或纳入排除标准不完整、缺少样本量估算方法或样本量不足等方面,其次是题目模糊不确切、摘要中对背景和选题的意义阐述不明确、结果描述研究对象特征不准确、结果展示不充分、统计图表欠规范等,最后讨论部分未概括与研究目标有关的主要结果,其他问题包括写作结构规范欠佳,伦理易忽视。结论 提升临床医学学位论文质量除了加强对研究生临床科研方法学的培训,有必要制定清晰明确的《医学研究生课题结题阶段学位论文自查清单》,帮助研究生完善论文撰写和导师对学位论文进行审阅把关。

关键词: 学位论文, 临床研究, 方法学, 论文评阅意见, 规范化

Abstract: Background The quality of dissertations has been attracting more and more attention.It is extremely urgent to guarantee the quality of dissertations comprehensively.The content of the medical postgraduate dissertations often involves clinical research,among which the problems on clinical research methodology need more attention.Objective To analyze the common problems existing in clinical research methodology in the preliminary drafts of medical postgraduate dissertations during the preliminary review of before blind review in a university,in order to provide the reference for standardizing the writing and self-examination,to improve the quality of the dissertations by medical postgraduates.Methods Research Center of Clinical Epidemiology in Peking University Third Hospital reviewed the methodological contents of the dissertations by medical postgraduates from a university in 2019 at the internal preliminary review stage from 2019 to 2020,including 47 clinical observational studies.Referring to the items in STROBE list,key elements of clinical research methodology of these dissertations were extracted,coded and then classified one by one to form a database of text review comments.The common problems were summarized and potential solutions were explored.Results The common problems of the dissertations by clinical medicine postgraduates include incomplete description of statistical method,lack of research objects representation,incomplete inclusion and exclusion criteria,lack of sample size estimation method or insufficient sample size.Besides,the problems include inexact dissertation title,unclear background and value of the topic in abstract,inaccurately description of characteristics of research objects,inadequate representation of results,and not standardized statistical charts.In the discussion section,the common problem was that the main results related to the research objectives were not summarized.Other problems included poorly structured writing and neglected ethics.Conclusion In addition to strengthening the training of clinical research methodology for graduate students,it is extremely necessary to develop a clear "Checklist for Medical Postgraduate Dissertations at the Concluding Stage" to help graduate students improve their thesis writing and supervisors to review and check their dissertations.

Key words: Academic dissertation, Clinical study, Methodoloy, Review opinions, Normalize