Chinese General Practice ›› 2020, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (30): 3806-3811.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2020.00.137

• Monographic Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Development of an Intra-pregnancy Pelvic Floor Muscle Training Program Using Mobile Health Technologies 


  1. Nursing Department,Shenzhen Hospital of Southern Medical University,Shenzhen 518101,China
    *Corresponding author:CAI Wenzhi,Professor,Chief superintendent nurse;
  • Published:2020-10-20 Online:2020-10-20



  1. 518101广东省深圳市,南方医科大学深圳医院护理部
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Background At present,foreign research on pelvic floor muscle training based on mobile health technologies has achieved initial results,but most of its research objects are elderly female patients,there is no research target for pregnant women,and most existing application in the domestic market have not been verified.Therefore it is of clinical significance to construct a scientific application of pelvic floor muscle training based on mobile health technologies.Objective To develop a pelvic floor muscle training program for pregnant women using mobile health technologies,to guide clinical nursing practice,and to provide a reliable basis for scientific management of such trainings.Methods From November 2018 to April 2019,by use of literature review and brainstorming,a draft of intra-pregnancy pelvic floor muscle training program using mobile health technologies was developed by our research group,then its contents were discussed in an expert consultation,and were determined after being revised according to the consultation results.Results  Of the 1 032 articles that were searched,10 eligible studies were referred.In the consultation,the authority degree of experts was 0.904,indicating the results were reliable.The intervention program consists of knowledge presentation,functional evaluation,pelvic floor muscle training,emotional support,and regular supervision,and can be accessible on the mobile APP in forms of text,pictures,videos,animation,or consulting online consultants.Conclusion  The intra-pregnancy pelvic floor muscle training program developed based on scientific methods and mobile heath technologies is reliable,which may be used for or used as a reference for scientific management of intra-pregnancy pelvic floor healthcare,and for the evaluation of such care.

Key words: Pelvic floor disorders, Mobile medical, Pregnancy, Pelvic floor muscle training, Nursing evaluation research, Evidence-based nursing, Expert meeting

摘要: 背景 目前国外基于移动医疗的盆底肌训练研究取得了初步成效,但其研究对象大多为老年女性患者,尚无针对孕期女性的研究,而国内市面上的盆底肌训练的应用程序大多没有经过科学验证。因此,构建一个科学客观的基于移动医疗的孕期盆底肌训练方案有一定临床意义。目的 构建基于移动医疗的孕期盆底肌训练方案,用于指导临床护理实践,为孕期盆底肌训练的科学管理提供可靠的依据。方法 2018年11月—2019年4月,课题小组采用文献研究法、头脑风暴法构建干预方案草案,组织召开专家会议,采用专家会议法对草案内容进行论证,确定基于移动医疗的孕期盆底肌训练方案。结果 共检索到1 032篇文献,最终纳入10篇符合要求的文献;与会专家权威程度为0.904,专家权威程度高,结果可靠。干预方案由知识宣讲、功能评估、盆底肌训练、情感支持、定期监督组成,将在APP上以文字、图片、视频、动画、线上咨询师形式实现。结论 本研究在文献分析的基础上,运用专家会议法制定了基于移动医疗的孕期盆底肌训练方案,制定方法科学、研究内容可靠,可初步应用于临床孕期盆底保健的干预管理及效果评价,为孕期盆底保健的科学管理提供依据。

关键词: 盆底疾病, 移动医疗, 妊娠, 盆底肌训练, 护理评价研究, 循证护理学, 专家会议法