张利峰, 张凝凝, 秦秀群, 杨翊, 钟冬梅, 刘劭菲, 戴雨珅, 王晓丹, 王明飞
Healthcare-seeking Behavior and Influencing Factors of Children with Upper Respiratory Tract Infection in the Context of Hierarchical Medical System
ZHANG Lifeng, ZHANG Ningning, QIN Xiuqun, YANG Yi, ZHONG Dongmei, LIU Shaofei, DAI Yushen, WANG Xiaodan, WANG Mingfei
中国全科医学 . 2023, (26): 3269 -3275 .  DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2023.0061