李琳, 谷永胜, 秦璐, 何伟亮, 范红珍, 张凯华, 孙莹茹, 赵万年, 牛小莉, 魏慈, 李俐涛, 王贺波
Serum Uric Acid and the Progression of Carotid Atherosclerosis: Association in a 10-year Chinese Cohort Study of a Health Check-up Population with Normal Uric Acid Levels
Lin LI, Yongsheng GU, Lu QIN, Weiliang HE, Hongzhen FAN, Kaihua ZHANG, Yingru SUN, Wannian ZHAO, Xiaoli NIU, Ci WEI, Litao LI, Hebo WANG
中国全科医学 . 2022, (23): 2836 -2843 .  DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2022.0279