
  • To be a Reviewer
    In order to further improve the quality of the journal and to support the interaction between publication and science community, Chinese General Practice welcomes application for reviewers nationwide. The candidates should meet following qualifications. 
    (1) Working in a 3-A hospital or university in independently administered city or province capital city;
    (2) Having the professional title of Associate Chief Physician or Associate Professor or above (except for outstanding scholars or those with expertise); 
    (3) Experienced in presiding provincial funding projects.
    (4) having published at least 3 papers in core journals (any two types of Key Magazine of China Technology, Chinese Core Journals, or CSCD), or at least 1 paper in SCI journals in the past 5 years as the first author or the corresponding author.
    (5) preferably having experience of a reviewer for core journals. 

    Please download the application form on the Chinese website, fill and send it to qkyxzj@chinagp.net.cn.

    Expert information table for Chinese General Practice

  • 2022-06-20 Visited: 323