Policies & Ethic

  • Peer Review System for Chinese General Practice

    The journal's only criteria for accepting an article are its quality, i.e. novelty and scientificity. 

    Review Process

    Initial Review

    The editor will conduct a preliminary review. Articles that are not within the publishing scope of the journal or have obvious defects will be rejected at the initial review stage.

    External Review:

    Manuscripts shall be reviewed by members of the editorial board and/or other experts in the field. Manuscripts should be submitted to at least 2 experts in the field for review, and original research should be submitted to methodological experts for review. The journal implements double-blind review, and neither the reviewer nor the author knows each other's information.

    Final Review: 

    The editor-in-chief ultimately decides whether the article can be published.

    Flow chart of manuscript processing

  • 2022-05-31 Visited: 295